Total Body Lift
A body lift is a general term given to the group of operations that lift the loose hanging skin which follows massive weight loss. Body lift surgery addresses excess skin on the breasts, arms, back, abdomen and thighs through a series of 2 – 3 operations. Some patients also require face and eyelid lifts to refine the facial appearance. Body lift surgery can make you feel better about yourself and boost your confidence following the considerable achievement of dramatic weight loss. Some people feel demoralised that despite great weight loss they remain unable to fit into smaller clothes due to excess skin. This surgery will address this issue.
Length of surgery: 5 -8 hours
Anaesthesia: General anaesthetic
Overnight or Daycase: 5 – 6 nights in hospital
Risks / Complications of Surgery:
Frequent: Bruising, swelling, discomfort on movement/coughing, small areas of wound breakdown.
Infrequent: Infection, unsightly scarring, fat necrosis, haematoma/seroma, itching, delayed wound healing

2 weeks until socialising with close friends and family

6 weeks until return to work and normal social engagements

6 weeks wearing specialised pressure garment

12 weeks until return to gym and other strenuous activities

3 - 12 weeks until bruising and swelling disappeared

Duration Of Results: Permanent unless followed by pregnancy or weight gain.
Plastic Surgery W1 Ltd
Suite 1, 14 Queen Anne Street
London W1G 9LG
t 020 7079 0050  f 020 7079 0051