Cheek Augmentation
The cheeks are an important facial feature which create a youthful and balanced profile. There are a number of reasons for augmenting the cheeks; to rejuvenate the mid section of the face and improve or correct a flat facial profile caused by congenital deficiency, age related bone resorption or facial trauma. The cheeks should give good definition and balance with your facial features. A weak cheek structure can make the face appear jaw heavy or give a gaunt appearance. A full, high cheek is considered more youthful. Surgery is performed either using autologous fat transfer or by inserting soft silicone implants.
Length of surgery: 1 hours
Anaesthesia: General anaesthetic.
Overnight or Daycase: Day case or 1 Night Stay
Risks / Complications of Surgery:
Frequent: Bruising, swelling, temporary numbness.
Infrequent: Infection, unsightly scarring, bleeding (haematoma), permanent numbness, facial nerve injury.

5 – 10 days until socialising with close friends and family

2 weeks until return to work and normal social engagements with make up

3-4 weeks until swelling disappears

6 weeks until return to gym and other strenuous activities

12 weeks until final result – scars continue to improve over the next 12 months.

Duration Of Results: Permanent
Plastic Surgery W1 Ltd
Suite 1, 14 Queen Anne Street
London W1G 9LG
t 020 7079 0050  f 020 7079 0051